Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday's Heroes

This week my heroes are our Davis family. It just so happens that both their birthday's fall this week. Pam's was last Saturday and Chris' is the 22. Works out well.

Pam is our youngest. She was kind of a surprise. She also made me the most morning sick of all the girls but she was worth it. She caused us a couple of scares during the pregnancy because she would lay so still. When there hadn't been any movement for a couple of days, I would have to go to the hospital and be put on the monitors to be sure she was Okay. Now we know she just sleeps very still and was going through growth spurts - a pattern she would follow her growing years. I was put on the 'pit' with Pam and 2 hours later was holding her in my arms. I had never even thought of the name Pamela until I looked at her. I had always known her middle name was going to be Eloie for a beloved neighbor of my parents whose birthday was just a few days after Pam's birth. When I looked at her - I knew her name was Pamela. I forgot to consult my husband on this and just filled out the birth certificate on my own. He had other ideas (and like our Heather - he never lets us forget it!).

Carianne and Heather both have much in common with their youngest - hence why I only wanted two children. If Heidi and Pam had not been surprises - they would not be here. But somehow my calmer babies appeared in the end. How I was so blessed I will never know. Had my body help out, I would have had more but I couldn't. What a great way to end. Unfortunately Pam was so quick and smart we didn't really let her be little very long. I would forget she wasn't as old as her siblings. When I got tired of washing clean clothes because Carianne and Heather were to lazy to put their clean clothes away and so they would just toss them back into the dirty clothes - I decided that everyone was responsible for their own washing. Pam was 7. One evening I walked in and Pam was showing her older sisters how to wash! She was always amazing and smarter than her years.

Pam and Chris are amazing as a couple and parents. We are so glad to have Chris as a son-in-law. He is the perfect companion for Pam - but I knew that the first day he walked in the door to home teach her. I don't know if I ever told them that or not. I had major Deja Vu when he came to the door and knew he was my future son-in-law. He is a great man and we are lucky to have him. Dutch is an amazing young man we are grateful to add him as our lastest addition to our grandchilren. The Davis family have taught us many lessions and set a great example. When things get really bad I know how hard it is for them daily. They have one really great neighbor on one side and a miserable neighbor on the other. Their miserable neighbor really tries hard to do just that - to the point that now they can't even let their dog out back because it bothers his. Their neighbor on the other side is sweet and kind and what a neighbor should be. Yet, Pam and Chris still try to be Christ-like to both neighbors. They have learned with the miserable neighbor that they now just have to avoid him but they made several attempts to make peace. The neighbor refused. I have to say they did far more than I would have ever done and I admire them for it. But then they do acts of service and goodness that make me proud as a parent all the time. I am truly grateful they are ours!

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

Pam actually taught us how to wash clothes for her FHE lesson one week. Remember our HUGE laundry box with hardly any clothes ever in it. just on the floor.