Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday Book Review

I have read a couple of books this week but the one I want to write about is Marley and Me BY John Grogan. I laughed through 9/10 of the book and then sobbed for the rest of it. Though our Lady was not near as naughty she was sneaky and it made me miss her. I guess every family has one outstanding dog - be they good or bad and Lady was ours. I marvel at how beautifully behaved Bo is and what a sweet dog he is. Labs have a great reputation but in truth most of the Labs I have met have been more on the Marley side than on the Bo side. I am looking forward to reading the next book by John Grogan though. He had everything you wanted in the book. He took you through every emotion and told a great story.

I love this quote from the book: "No one will call him a great dog - or even a good dog. He was wild as a banshee and as strong as a bull. He crashed joyously through life with a gusto most often associated with natural disasters. He's the only dog I've ever known to get expelled from obedience school." We have all known dogs and people that we love even though we aren't quite sure why. I am sure that we are blessed for it but in truth our lives are richer because of them.

I also finished the Host and I read most of it a second time. I have decided the book is about pure Christ-like love on the part of Jamie. You don't find that much. I have not enjoyed a book as much as this since - well lets see - since Eclipse!

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