Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Heroes

Anyone that knows me, knows that our daughters' and son-in-laws are my heroes. It is a fact of life. Today because it is their anniversary, I am honoring Heidi and Andy Bahlmann. They have been married 8 years. Heidi was our first daughter to be married in the temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and quite a day (the ending of 6 weeks that I never want to go through again!). She was a beautiful bride. She and Andy have taken to heart the things they were taught and are rasing their children in righteousness in the gospel. They are an amazing couple and I love them dearly. I could write all day about the wonderful things they do and the example they set for me to follow. That is what heroes do.

All of our daughters' and son-in-laws are better parents than we were. I am so proud of the honorable and wonderful people they are. We are truly blessed. Where they learned their parenting skills was not from us. Where they learned their marriage skills was not from us.

This week our oldest grandson, Marcus (Heidi and Andy's oldest child) will turn 7. He is also a hero of mine. He is an outstanding student and tries very hard to be a good big brother. Each of our grandchildren have such outstanding attributes. I cannot believe how blessed I am to have 9 such outstanding souls in my life.

Our youngest daughter will have a birthday this week too but I am saving her for me hero next week.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

I got all teary eyed! I am glad that someone feels that I am parenting well. I sure wish that I was better.