Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday's Heroes

I cannot settle on one hero and I don't know two of these men personally but I admire them all. The first one is an odd one for me. It is Claiborne Pell. He is a former Senator from Rhode Island that passed away January 1st. He was a Democrat and from everything I have ever heard and read about him - he was a fine gentleman. He is the one that started the PELL grant for those of us that have taken advantage of that. He has other things that he started and he has many building here in Newport with his name on it because of his contributions to the Arts. When Vice President Biden's first wife and daughter were killed in a car accident, Senator Pell and his wife were at the Biden's door within hours to take things in hand. It turns out the Biden's only knew the Pell's from the senate but the Pell's saw a need and stepped in. He deserves to be a hero on many levels.

My second hero is Thomas S. Monson. He is the prophet of our Church and an amazing human being. I have been watching 'A Brand New Year' that I am sure he spearheaded and I am grateful to have inspired leadership every time I watch it. Our ward had a fireside last night for our youth and they were mesmerized with the music and the messages. We truly have a loving Heavenly Father to give us such an amazing prophet right now. I was thinking today that since 1972 I have personally met all of the prophets. This will hold true until Boyd K. Packer and then it will be a while if ever again. I have met a few of the current 12 but not like I used to know. Interesting how things change. Thomas S. Monson is truly a hero to emulate.

My third hero is Clyde's co-worker, Will. They had to travel to Baltimore today and Will has ended up being a great traveling companion. Ordinarily I don't know if Clyde ever arrives somewhere because lets face it - he is a Luddite and refuses to get a cellphone. But Will insisted that as soon as they landed, Clyde had to call me to let me know all was well. If there is a problem, I am to call Will's cellphone. Thank you Will.

My last hero is my neighbor across the hall. I have no idea what his name is. We had a snow storm over the holiday weekend and because of that there has been residue snow and ice because the maintenance crew was on skeleton crew and could not keep up with it. Our kind neighbor saw me slip on the ice this morning so he went out and before I had returned from dropping Clyde off, he had the ice shoveled off the front stoop and the parking spot where we usually park - all shoveled out. When I went to thank him, he said, "We're neighbors and therefore family. Your husband helped my daughter shovel out her car during our last storm. It was the least I could do." We truly have a unique stairwell right now in that we do kind of watch out for each other. I tell people about that and the reply is, "Well they aren't from New England." Well it is sad but true. Acts of service make people heroes in my book.

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