Monday, October 27, 2014

It was a very good day

We were ready early this morning and took an earlier bus to the train station.  We had to wait 20 minutes for our bus to the archive instead of 5.  However - this way we knew we wouldn't miss it.

We got 5 and 1/2 books done today but for some reason my back and knees were hurting.  I am afraid we have a cold front blowing in sometime soon. 

I walked into the kitchen at the office today and Bo and dropped his backpack and then his coat down the hall to the kitchen.  I asked if he was okay and he said he had just gone shopping for lunch groceries and it suddenly became too heavy.  He saved lunch though.

I get the biggest kick out of Jeppe.  He and Helge traveled to Aarhus on Saturday and gave a 2 hour presentation on doing genealogy and what they had to offer in Copenhagen.  There were 15 people there and he was excited for a good turn out.  I would have been miffed after spending 3 hours to get there - that there were only 15 people to hear me.  Not Jeppe.  He is thrilled there was anyone there at all.  He really makes we aware that I need to change perspective.

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