Sunday, October 12, 2014

Feeling much better...

...well at least I am.  Clyde feels about like I did on Thursday so he is coming to the end of this mess.  That was one of my worst days but then I seemed to turn a corner.  I could have gone to church today except that I was worried the commute would wear me out plus we stop at very unsavory place - Mozart's Plads.  Drunks and prostitutes hang around there and it makes for an uncomfortable place to be.  We have to wait 45 minutes for the next bus - going both ways.  If we just got on a bus and went straight to church, it would be a 15-20 minute ride.  Unfortunately that doesn't work out for any of our trips - ever!  For our own service today we watched the September 14th Music and the Spoken word on You tube (the choir sings 'Come to my Garden' in that one, my daughters.) and then we finished up the last session of conference.  It was a very spiritual morning.

I had to do some laundry by hand.  I had some things that didn't get washed the last time we started the washer - so they had to be rinsed out and hung up.  Clyde also needed some socks - so they were washed also.  I sure hope we get a washer tomorrow or the next day!

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