Friday, October 26, 2012

On My Walk Today

 I thought it would be fun to see what I see everyday on my walk.  This is as much a memory page for me for the future.  With hurricane Sandy bearing down on us - we could lose leaves, branches and maybe trees - so I wanted a memory of the beauty I see every day - especially as the leaves start to turn colors here.  We haven't had a hard freeze yet so we are really quite green still.  The above picture is our entrance to our apartment complex.  The cornstalks have 'Indian' corn on them for the first few day but the squirrels, birds and rabbits quickly take care of that before a week is through and then all that is left is the cornstalks.  It is fun to watch the animals with their booty!
 This is actually one of the vantage points as I step off the bottom step of the stoop of our apartment building.  It is always so beautifully kept.
 This is a tree in the military housing behind our complex that I walk sometimes
 This is looking down the side street leading into our apartment complex.  That big building is a bank.  The kind of white building in the very end of the street is a hotel complex.

This is a view of our clubhouse and actually the entrance to our pool in the summer time.  You can't see it but the tree's leaves are almost purple.  The temperature during my walk this morning at 10:00 a.m. was 53 degrees.  It was a beautiful, crisp walk.

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