Sunday, October 28, 2012

Clyde's Released

This morning at 10:30 our time, Clyde was released as the bishop.  It  was bittersweet.  You know it is coming and it has been a wonderful 5 3/4 years.  I have loved being the "Bishop's Wife" and "Mother of the Ward".  I told the Stake President it was a calling that I was sad to be released from.  However, it is time to prepare for our mission and to get ready to move.  We need to get our mission papers in and our goal is January.  We are moving from here July - so there is a lot to be done.  The time has come to focus in a different direction and move forward.  The new bishopric is young and will bring a vibrancy to the ward that is needed.


Marianne said...

It must be time to move on to the next adventure in your life. You will be wonderful missionaries. I know you and Clyde will be missed when you leave that ward.

Holly said...

I can't believe it's been that long...crazy. Good luck on your new adventures!

I think you should shoot for the Rome,Italy Mission.