Tuesday, October 23, 2012

5 Books That Have Influenced Me

My daughter, Pam, sent out a challenge of sorts as the 5 books that influence our lives.  I am assuming that is aside from the Scriptures - because there are the 4 top books right there.  So here are the novels that have made the biggest impact on me.  Unlike Pam, I do not remember any books from my childhood until I read book #1 on my list.  I read all the time but nothing before that ever sang to my soul until then.

1.  Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman: This was my first somewhat adult chapter book.  I read it the summer between 5th and 6th grade and fell in love.  It is my most favorite book ever!  I love the adventure story, the love story and the fact it is actually based on real people.  I read it about once a year and have for almost 50 years.

2.  Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell: This was one of my mother's favorite books and she couldn't wait for me to be old enough to read it and discuss it with her.  I read it the first time between 6th and 7th grade.  I read it again in High School and have probably read it 3 or 4 times in all.  I don't like Scarlet and never have but I have always love Melanie.  It is one of those books that lets you know that life and books don't always have a happy ending. I was a bit surprised when this book popped up on my list and yet I can see how it has impacted my life.

3.  Calico Palace by Gwen Bristow:  I love books written by Gwen Bristow and every few years I read all of her works.  She like Margaret Mitchell paints a lifelike portrayal rather than a happily ever after.  Some people don't like her because of that but I love her descriptions and have always enjoyed her.  I tend to read her when I get homesick for the West.

4. Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt: This was one of the first mysteries I read and loved.  I became hooked to the point that I would say mysteries is pretty close to my favorite genre in books.  I like the 'fluffy' mysteries better than the those that are full of intense intrigue.  But nothing makes me happier than a fun, good mystery to this day.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: I had to read this in High School and I didn't appreciate it then.  It wasn't until college that I fell in love with Jane Austen and her works but it was this book that opened that door.  How blessed we are to have this image of the Regency era in England and the prim and proper way to do things.  It just brings a smile to me every time I read this work.

I could go on and on and was really quite surprised at this list.  Who knows maybe next time it will be a different 5!

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