Friday, November 11, 2011

I am Thankful For...

...all the Veterans in my life.  I grew up as an Army BRAT so I know what it is like to live the life of the military.  I know what it is like to see your father leave in the middle of the night and not know when you will see him again.  To always have his 'kit' packed so at a moments notice he can leave.  To wake up with your mother crying because she isn't sure where your father is.  I had it easier than most.  My father was a surgeon so he was in the MASH tents and was protected but many of my friends fathers - especially when they went to Viet Nam - never saw them again.

My father served in WWII and so did Clyde's dad.  Clyde's Grandfather, Dr. B also served in WWI.  My father got his medical degree and then went back into the military in the 50's and stayed in until the late 70's.  He had quite an amazing career.  I met Clyde because of the draft during the Viet Nam War.  Without that we would have never met.  We now have a son-in-law, Brandon Nordell - in the Air Force.  He is with our daughter and their two daughters in Okinawa.  Of all of my daughters, Heather was not the daughter I thought would be a military wife but she is doing an admirable job.  Clyde works at the Newport Naval Base and about half of our ward is military.  I am proud to be here to help make their lives easier so they can serve our country and make our lives easier.

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