Friday, August 5, 2011

On a Happier Note

On a happier note - I don't have to get new glasses.  My eyesight has not changed in 2 years.  However I might have to get my eyelids lifted because they have gotten so droopy that they are hindering my night-time driving and my tear production.

Here are some of the pictures with the 'grandparents' on the 4th of the July.  Like I said - we didn't help much but you can tell how much fun we were having.  It was such a fun day.  My favorite is Dutch taking pictures with his 'camera' in the background of the first two pictures.  My dream - to one day get a picture of all of my grandchildren together one day.  A family picture with every one in it is also a dream but I am not holding my breath.  The last time that happened was at Heather's wedding.  There weren't very many of us then.  It almost happened in Vegas but Heather was pregnant with Evie and Brandon was gone - so it wouldn't take long to be outdated though it is one of my favorite pictures.  Personalities are still much the same in the grandchildren.

1 comment:

Cari said...

This is a happier note. Please call me next time! That is so scary to hear. Tell Daddy I love him and hug each other for me!