Monday, August 22, 2011

Memory Monday

I have been debating for a while about doing a weekly 'Memory Monday' and maybe it will be.  But, this memory has just been rolling around in my head for the last few days so I thought I would post it. 

I was very good at pushing my mother's and my Grandma Brugger's buttons when I was young.  I knew just how to send both of them into a dither.  I didn't do it often but I would pick my moments and cause chaos - at least in their well ordered world.  Marianne caught onto me probably when she was 2 but no one listened to her.  I am ashamed to say that quite frequently I would upstage her but I have to say once I realized I was doing it I tried to stop (at least to upstage her).  Then things would naturally upstage her events and I would feel crushed.  I think by that point we both realized I wasn't doing it on purpose but then I was married, so I think she understood.  More about that in future blogs.

When you are eight-years-old in our Church, you are baptized in as a member.  This is our age of accountability.  The morning of my baptism, my mother and grandmother were getting things ready for the big to-do afterwards and I came in and announced I didn't think I wanted to be baptized.  They both turned around and looked at me like I had just robbed a bank.  I was sent to my room to pray until I was ready to be baptized.  The only reason I made the announcement was I wanted to see what they would say!  I had every intention of being baptized.  So I went to me room and read some books, played with my dolls and messed around.  Just before we were to leave, I was still in my pajamas and my dad came in.  He asked if I was ready.  I remember thinking, "Daddy, do I look ready?!"  but being the respectful child that I was I said, "No".  He said I had better hurry and get dressed so we could go - so I did.  He never mentioned what I had said downstairs or that I obviously had not been praying.  I was baptized and confirmed and came home to have lots of friends coming over. 

I think this all came up because there is a little girl in our ward that is getting baptized and she keeps asking does she have too.  Her mother was just horrified when her daughter first asked the missionaries that question and came and asked me what to do.  I told her what I had done.  Yesterday was their last day in the ward.  She said her daughter usually tells people she is getting baptized but on occasion she asks her parents does she have too.  This little sweetheart isn't doing it to get a rise out her parents, I think she might be afraid.  But me being a pill as a child - made this mother feel better.

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