Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Won!

Today I went to get my hair cut - like I do about every 4 or 5 weeks.  I walked in and Mariana, my hairdresser said, "You are hard to get hold of."  I said I saw that she had called but my husband didn't click over because he was on a long distance phone call.  Mariana laughed and told me I had won!  I stared at her for a minute and said, "Won what?"  It turns about that before we went on our trip to Utah, I had allowed my name to be put in a drawing for 9 free hair cuts or a free hair cut every 6 weeks for a year.  So for the next year I will be getting my hair cut for free!  It only adds a week to my wait between hair cuts so I should be fine.  Mariana and I were thinking I should lengthen out my time between visits anyway because my hair isn't growing as fast as it was.  Now I am rambling.  So life is good!


Heidi Noel said...

That's awesome! I would not use it, though. I don't like getting my hair cut.

Grandma Bailey said...

When I kept my hair long this would have meant nothing but this saves me some money now I have to keep it short.

Cari said...

Yay! How fun!