Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hurricane Irene

We are watching Hurricane Irene because she looks like she wants to hit us. Unlike Heather and her family in Okinawa, we are not equipped to hunker down and ride out a storm.  It would cause major property damage and big problems.  So I am sending a request for prayers for Irene to miss us.  Wind and rain we can handle - we get that all the time - but hurricane force winds we cannot.  We live on an island and if our bridges are compromised then we are literally cut-off from the mainland and would have to rely on ferries to get us off and on the island.  I am sure we would be Okay but I just don't want to have to live through the trauma if I don't have too.  Why can't it go to Texas where the rain is needed?   I wouldn't wish a hurricane on them but to let them have some rain would be such a blessing!

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