Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our First Christmas In Germany

These are pictures of Mom, Marianne, Me and Bob, our very first Christmas in Germany.  Mom is making a Christmas tree out of felt with various ornaments on it - for the front door.  I love Bob's pose in the first picture.  The bottom picture Marianne and I are in the background - I am reading - probably to Marianne.  She was very patient with me and let me read to her even though she could read very well herself.  Bob was obviously still helping Mom.

I think about it now and I realize that Mom must have suffered from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) - especially that first year we were in Germany.  She was always trying to brighten the apartment up.  It is hard when the days are so short and the sun rarely shines.  I am sure that is why our family embraced Advent they way we did - along with the other Christmas events of Germany.  It made the dreary days go so much faster - and with joy!

1 comment:

Cari said...

I am so thankful that you are posting these pictures! I love the history that is in them!