Friday, December 10, 2010

Angelic Christmas

This was the Christmas I was seven years old and the last one we spent in San Antonio before moving to Germany.  I am "Peace".  Underneath that stage was where I was baptized.  It was known as the Bailey Street Chapel.  It no longer exists.  I remember Mom making me my angel costume.  It was not a happy time between the two of us.  I would not stand still while she pinned up the hem.  However if you look - mine is he nicest looking one.  That is all thanks to Mom.  She was an amazing seamstress.  It pays to be a perfectionist is things like that.  I could never match her because her standards for herself were always so high.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

Goodness, you look like Heather. It is a bit freaky.