Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday's Hero

This week is once again a heroine. My Aunt Norma is one of my favorite people in all the world. She is to me a combination, Aunt, sister, mother and best friend. We have had this relationship since I was a baby. When Norma would come to visit from the time I can remember, my whole world would be better. When things have not gone well for me I have turned to Norma first and she has let me cry on her shoulder, helped me face the world and look at things realistically. I am so grateful for her.

When our daughters were really little, Norma and her younger three children were in our ward. It was wonderful! We always sat on a the same center pew with Clyde on one end and Chris Allen (Norma's second son and middle child) usually on the other end. The girls would just go from adult to adult and were rarely taken out. If for some reason their father had to take them out they knew they were in BIG trouble. One stake conference, Clyde and I thought we could handle the girls by ourselves in the choir. That was the infamous conference when Clyde had to carry Heather out and as they were leaving Heather yelled, "Popi, save me!" as my father was speaking at the pulpit as stake president. The whole congregation laughed and loved it but it didn't help Heather's cause. The next stake conference the Allens took the girls and things went much better.

While we lived in San Antonio, every morning at 9:00 Norma would call me or I would call Norma and we would visit for a few minutes. I loved that time and it started my day off right. Now when we call each other - we pick up where we left off and our phone calls are long because we have so much catching up to do. I dearly love My Aunt Norma and I am so grateful she is a part of my life. She will always be one of my lifes heroes!

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