Friday, December 5, 2008

The Christmas Book

Every year I put together a Christmas Book for family and friends. It is put together with lots of love and takes me a considerable amount of time. I need Clyde's help in order to get this done but for some reason this year it been like pulling teeth to get him to help me. I am wondering if it is worth it. Do people even care if I do this book? Do they read it? Or should I find something else to give in the future? I guess this is a little like Tinkerbell when we clap to make her live. I need to know if this is worth going on with. If people want me to continue then I will with or without Clyde's help. I just need to know.


Heidi Noel said...

Honestly there are so many now I have a hard time remembering what stories are in what book and can't share them with my children as well. However, I know that people who have grown children are glad to have the books to read each year. I am not sure what to tell you, but if you need to skip a year, please do. Your health is worth more than anything. Also, what about redoing the cook book again?

Hayden said...

I have loved your books and continue to love them! I totally understand if you need a break because I can't even imagine how much work they are. I will still read them every year no matter what- and you have given me quite a magnificent collection over the years, that I am never short a great Christmas story!! Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas memories and all your hard work. Love you, miss you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

PS- do you still wrap your paintings on your walls? I think of doing it every year- but never get around to it. Maybe I will this year!

Grandma Bailey said...

Yes, I do still wrap my pictures on the wall. This apartment is so small I have to pick and choose what I decorate. That is an easy thing to do.

I have this years book all ready to go. It isn't even my health - it is getting your father to help me get it bound. Maybe what I need to do is an index for those of you that have 7 or 8 of them - that way we will know what we have. That may just be a book in and of itself.

Cari said...

Mom - I can't find my original and I'm really upset about this. Can I get another one of those?