Monday, July 28, 2008

When Life Gets In the Way

I was scolded the other day because it has been so long since I wrote anything. The reason I haven't written is because I haven't had much that was happy to write about. This morning I decided that I would just have to make it happy no matter what. My life is not that dismal. The problem is that the mundane things keep getting in the way.

Last week we had a funeral and Clyde has had so many problems as bishop that for several days his gout was so bad he was limping. On Monday his gout flared up to the point he had to come home from work. He literally slept all day. I had the stomach flu and I think he had a touch of it too. Wednesday we were involved with the funeral all day until 4:30. Then my Achievement Girls came to the Church. We were going to wash the nursery toys in a baby pool outside so the girls were to come in their play clothes. We ended up with a really bad thunderstorm so we did genealogy instead inside and then played Webkinz. I will have to do the nursery toy activity later. Have I said how cute these girls are?! I love them so much. They make me laugh so hard. They try so hard to do what is right and that makes my job even easier.

Yesterday our surrogate grandson, Joshua Halverson was ordained a deacon. He has been so excited about this that he has been counting down the days since January 1. It was a special blessing but then that is no surprise. He is an amazing young man. I would not be surprised to see him sitting in the front of the Conference Center someday in some capacity. He is an amazing individual.

So amazingly wonderful things have happened to balance out the sad (of which I only mentioned the flu! The funeral was blessing to the woman who died). We are blessed to have the gospel in our lives and know that Jesus is the Christ. How lucky am I to have my amazing family?!


Cari said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that you wrote again! And I'm so glad that you have "family" in RI, too! I love you!

Heidi Noel said...

I miss my activity day girls. I am glad you are enjoying yours, too.