Sunday, July 6, 2008

Reasons I Like Living in Rhode Island

After my last writing I decided I had better write something fun. So here are couple of reasons I like living in Rhode Island.
1. The names of places. Where else would you have Buzzard's Bay, Swansea, Seakonk, and Braintree? I crack-up on the news whenever they talk about Buzzard's Bay. It is in danger because the fresh water and sea water are starting to mix. Who would name someplace so beautiful such an ugly name!
2. We live in one of the friendliest wards I have ever lived in. That is saying quite a lot - I know but this is the most outgoing and friendly group of people you would ever meet. If someone hasn't introduced themselves to you - then they are visitors themselves!
3. It is beautiful here no matter what the season. We don't live to far from Narraganset Bay and our apartment complex is kept up nicely. The flowers and trees, even the snow and wintry weather are pretty around here. If the bitter cold didn't go with the wintry weather it would be easier to handle. However while the rest of you are roasting - Pam and I are staying in the 70's and lower 80's (if we are lucky we get to 80!). We have had so much rain that only once have Dad and I made it to the 80's all summer but then Aquidneck Island where Middletown and Newport are located kind of has its own weather system. The mainland is always 5-10 degrees warmer in summer and 5-10 degrees cooler in the winter. It helps to be surrounded by water.

Truly the only downside to being here is being so far from family. A 10 hour drive to Pam's isn't bad now and I don't feel nearly as cut off any more. I will be happy when I get my legs back so that I can travel again though.


Cari said...

I want to come and visit! I always knew that it was beautiful, but now I can't wait to see it!

Heidi Noel said...

We want to come too! I have always wanted to live in the Northern US, anywhere. I wanted Andy to get into Oregon or Washington after he got rejected to UCONN and UT.