Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mallory at the Zoo

 This is picture of Mallory in the marvelous double stroller we rented at the zoo.  I have discovered that when my camera hits the yellow zone it is hit and miss whether it focuses or not.  Since I forgot my recharger this is what I had to contend with.
 While her older brothers and sister were riding the train, Mallory was pole dancing on the picnic table.  She was so happy to be standing and moving around, plus she thought she was really something on that table.  It was her stage!  Sara Dittmar Walker was so sweet and so good with the children.  It was a great day at the zoo.  The next picture shows Mallory's quirky smile and that halo around her head is her hair.  It does not lay down - that is how it always is.
I love this smile of Mallory's.  She has several smiles but the one that cracks me up the most it this one.  I have never seen a baby with such an expressive face.  Pam had/has an expressive face but she had to practice in the mirror.  With Mallory it comes naturally.  I hope she keeps it.  It is part of the fun of being with her.  She seems to know which face she needs to get her way.  I read a comic strip and the older kids were being scolded because they hadn't done their  chores and then the parents looked at the baby and said, "But don't you worry because you will get away with anything because you are the baby."  I think that will be the case with Mallory - though Heidi and Andy will try very hard to be fair - she just has a way.

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