Saturday, September 19, 2009


I have cried so much today - I would think I wouldn't have any tears left, but they somehow keep falling.

Today we had the funeral services for one of my heroines - Carol Berriochoa. She was my heroine the first Monday in June of this year, I think. Carol had a very bad heart condition and lived every day of her life as if it was her last - because she truly didn't know whether or not it would be. She died Sept 12 and has left a big whole in everyone' s life and heart who knew her. I truly missed her and really expected her to walk up and hug me - even at her own funeral! I was so lonesome for her, I cried.

Then I made the mistake of catching up on our daughters' blogs. They are not particularly sad but they made me lonesome for MY girls. So as I read, I sobbed. More tears. I so wish we lived together but I never see that happening. Even more tears.

I tried to make myself feel better by reading. Big mistake! I was reading a book about a brother and sister that left their family in Germany and migrated to the USA - knowing they would never see their family again. I knew how the daughter felt when it hit her to know she would not see her mother again. So enough crying. It is time to focus on happier thoughts and no more tears - not even happy tears. Maybe if I do what Pam does and end my blog with a thankful heart, I will feel better.

I am thankful for my daughters and their husbands, my grandchildren, for jets to take me to my family, for books and for my Kindle.

1 comment:

Cari said...

I am so sorry that you're sad! I miss you so much, too! We love you!