Monday, September 15, 2008

My Hero - Aleta Breakwell

I decided that on Monday I would write about a hero in my life. We will see how many Mondays this can go on but I don't foresee an end anytime soon.

Aleta Breakwell is one of my best friends. No, she is more than that - she is my sister. From the moment we met we have somehow bonded and been there for each other. Aleta, has two amazing men in her life, Donald - her husband and Andrew, her son - which is a good thing. They are the people that keep her sane because her daughter's are extremely high maintenance. I don't know anyone that would be able to handle Maddie or Claire better. Donald and Aleta have always approached their child-rearing with prayer and fasting. You cannot be more humble than that.

Aleta suffers from depression - a disease that troubled me for decades. Fortunately she has found a Rx that is working for her. She is also working with a good therapist - something that saved me. Since she has made these discoveries she is doing 1,000 times better and her life is going smoother. She is not above making changes in herself in order to make things better for her family.

From the moment that I first saw Aleta, sitting in front of us in Sacrament Meeting in Ephraim, I knew we were going to be connected somehow. I wondered how and why because she was obviously so much younger than me. But the Lord had other plans. Our Heidi became their babysitter and through that relationship blossomed our friendship and sisterhood. I have sometimes jumped to conclusions too quickly when it has come to Aleta. Fortunately she hs always been up front and honest with me. I am so grateful she is my friend. She keeps my life in perspective. The Lord has really blessed me with the love of Aleta. She loves me, warts and all, just as I love her.


Cari said...

How neat - friends are such a blessing from the Lord. I love hearing about your heroes!!!

Heidi Noel said...

I love Aleta, too. I miss her so much. Weird that she and Katie Kilts are still people I consider good friends and have lost contact with all people from high school. (Except my in-laws)