Monday, September 1, 2008

Dutch's Blessing or the Blessing of Dutch!

We just came home from spending a week with the Davis' so we could be there for Dutch's blessing. I was kind of a party pooper because of my knee so it was a very layed back week but it went by very quickly for Daddy and me. I was in my element though because I got to hold and tend Dutch. That was so much fun it will easily get me through to the next visit. He is such a cute little guy. He never quits moving, makes noises constantly and can eat a grown man under the table! I don't know where he is putting it but so far there is not an ounce of fat on that little guy. He did grow into the next size diapers while we were there and is fast growing out of his preemie clothes. Even some of his newborn clothes are getting a bit snug. He is growing fast.

When Chris pronounced the name and blessing for the records of the Church yesterday it was incredibly beautiful and profound. One of the things that stands out in it for me was Dutch was told to go on a mission because he would learn things on a mission he would never learn anywhere else. Another thing that caught my ear was that he was busy being taught by our Heavenly Father until now - which is an incredible blessing that I do not doubt at all. Dutch has an incredible presence about him. As with all of our grandchildren he spends quite a bit of time staring and talking to ceiling corners. We all wonder who is there giving him last minute instructions.

We had a ball with Pam and Chris. Chris did go back to school this week but when we had him it was great fun. When Chris' parents came with Josh it just cranked up the fun one more notch. It was a really fun weekend. Bo thought everyone had come just for him. He is going to really miss Dad and Josh. On Saturday we took Chris and Pam out to breakfast. Pam and I had a Cinnamon roll that was made into French Toast. It has to be the best thing I have EVER eaten in my life! It was truly worth every calorie in every bite.

Tomorrow morning I go in for my surgery. Chris and Dad gave me a blessing so I am as OK with it as I can possibly be. Everyone pray and we will await the outcome tomorrow evening. I must say I am doing something I never do - wishing tomorrow was already over.

I am grateful for eternal families and for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to know that Dutch is part of our forever family. How blessed are we!


Cari said...

I wish I were there with you. PLEASE let me know if you need me - I'll even stay in a hotel if it will make it easier on ya'll. I love and miss you so much, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed Dutchie. We're all praying that tomorrow goes well and is over soon.

Heidi Noel said...

We are praying for you and jealous that you got to meet Dutch. I am also jealous that you weren't tending my kids. ;) I am glad you go to be there for the blessing. You and Dad have only missed Bella and Anneke's blessings.

Kittie said...

You are in my heart and prayers. I hope that everything turns out great for you!!