Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday's Hero

Todays heroine is an amazing woman. Her name is Rosanne Keeler. She is the stake Primary President, teaches science classes at the local college and has raised an amazing family. She is one of those mothers that even though one or two of her children have not stayed faithful to the gospel - she knows she is not a failure as a mother. Her husband is my husband's first counselor in the bishopric. Rosanne has been one of my closest friends since we moved here. These are a few facts about Rosanne but not what makes her heroic. Rosanne is one of the most Christlike people I know. When we discuss being a true Christian and doing for others - this is the woman whose example you would want to follow. The thing is she is one of those 'stealth' do gooders and few people know how much good she does. I will not embarrass her by listing things that I am aware that I have been told in confidence but yesterday as a sister bore her testimony she told of something that Rosanne did that I can tell. This is SO Rosanne.

Becky Workman's husband Adam has been deployed to Iraq for a year. This is their first separation and Becky has been handling it quite well but really hasn't known what to ask for. She has 5 children between 11 and 1. For the most part the kids are well behaved but as those of us with children know - 24/7 with kids underfoot can be detrimental to anyone's mental health. Rosanne called Becky up and told her that she would come over and babysit Becky's children from 2:00 until after the Women's Broadcast on Saturday (that would be after 9:30 pm our time). Becky took her up on it. Becky was able to get shopping done that she needed to do and when I saw her at the Womens' Broadcast she just seemed free. No wonder. She had the best babysitter in the ward! The thing is that no one else but Rosannne would have thought of something like that. Such a simple but beautiful act of service. The Lord is smiling on her because while we were being preached to about doing acts of kindness and service, Rosanne was setting the example.

Several times when I couldn't drive to my phyical therapy, Rosanne was there to take me. She doesn't live that close and physical therapy is even farther away. She is just an amazing woman.

So this is my tribute to my hero/heroine this week. Rosanne is a person that if I followed her example I would truly be a better person.


Heidi Noel said...

YOu are lucky to have a friend like that. It was such a blessing in Boulder to have people help out while Andy was gone, and I only had two! I hope that I can be like that.

Cari said...

What a neat testimony about such an incredible women. I love your Monday heroes!