Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter 2015

We have had a wonderful Sabbath.  We have watched the Saturday Afternoon Session and the Priesthood Session.  It has been very uplifting.  We will watch our final session of the day - the Sunday Morning session -live.  I look forward to watching October Conference live.  It is hard to have to string the sessions out like this but I am so grateful that we have to opportunity to listen. 

My favorite talk so far is Wilfred W. Andersen's talk about music and dancing.  It made me so grateful for the Gospel 'music' I hear in my soul of the truthfulness of the Gospel.  It did make me sad that there were dissenters during the sustainings.  I have 'dissented' before but I have done it in private and spoke of my concerns with the Stake President before ward conference and at my temple recommend interview.  I told him that I would not raise my hand in support or opposition because I had spoken to him about it.  That is the only time I have ever felt that I just could not support someone.

As I listened to some of the talks, I thought about my Grandpa Brugger.  A year before he passed away, Clyde and I went to visit him.  Grandpa was completely blind at this point but he had a Book of Mormon on his lap and his finger on a verse.  I said, "Grandpa, what are you reading?"  He said, "I am reading King Benjamin's Address."  I looked down and he was and this book was not in braille.  I asked my cousin's David and Mark if they set it up so he looked like he was reading.  They said, "No.  Grandpa does know his Book of Mormon that well."  You could feel that Holy Spirit in that room that day.  It was like being in the temple.  I knew that Grandpa's time was short after that visit.  I will always remember his example of a sincere love of the Gospel.  My Grandma Sarah was the same way.  Even with her mind shutting down in her last years, she loved the scriptures and the Gospel.  She frequently would tell us that the Gospel was her most treasured gift.

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