Monday, July 22, 2013

The Sabbath Day

Last week as part of our farewell talk (2 weeks before the fact), I spoke about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy.  I dwelled on the wonderful things that we could do and not on the don'ts.  I felt like that is what everyone talks about.  I gave one of my favorite quotes from Spencer W. Kimball about what we could do.  On the list were visit the sick, administer to the sick, do your home teaching or visiting teaching, work with the missionaries, comfort the lonely.  Obviously attending your church meeting and partaking of the Sacrament was on there too.  Yesterday, Clyde and I started the day by reading the Book of Mormon, listening to a Conference Address in Danish, picking up a brother for church, putting out the closing hymn (we sang "Faith in Every Footstep"), teaching our Primary class, attending choir, visiting a friend in the hospital so Clyde could give him a blessing (that took a couple of hours because of distance), coming home, having a bit to eat, Clyde went home teaching while I visited with his sister, Susan.  Just as I was going to go and get ready for bed, the Elders showed up.  We ended up visiting beyond the time they should have been out but then they just live across the street.  It was a very spiritually uplifting day.  I am glad it was packed because I might have found reasons to keep packing and I really wanted to avoid that on the Sabbath. 

Update: We get the trailer delivered this week for the move.  We will pack Friday and Saturday, finish up on Monday and they pick our load up on Tuesday.  We will clean the apartment but only as much we have too because they are gutting it after we leave and starting over fresh.  We leave for Texas on August 1, probably in the afternoon.  We are hoping to get to Roanoke VA the first evening and then Little Rock, Arkansas the second.  That will put us in Kerrville on Saturday the 3rd.  We will continue to update as we move along.

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