Monday, September 10, 2012


As I went for my walk this morning, I pondered the fact that I do not like change.  And yet this year will be the last one here for us and we will walk into the unknown again.  I want to know where I will be and stay somewhere - forever.  It has been what I wanted since I was little girl.  When I was young, I dreamt of marrying someone and living in Ephraim or Manti, forever.  Obviously that didn't happen.  That fact that I got to live there for a few year is a miracle in my mind.  I want a light, sunny home - with bright rooms and I want to not move again after we settle in this time.  However, I am kind of excited about the idea of mission.  It is something we have talked about all of married life together and the time has finally come.  Where will go?  What will we be asked to do?  We will probably not leave the country because of my health issues BUT when I think of the possibilities just here in the states, I get excited.  We could go to a Native American Reservation, help serve in the Appalachian Mountains, serve in a temple, serve in a living museum like Far West, Nauvoo or Sharon, Vermont.  We could go be in a mission, a Church Education Mission or a Temple. So there is no knowing where or what we will be doing.  That kind of change I can handle.  I am collecting dresses and skirts because I know I will be wearing that kind of attire no matter where we go.  It is getting ready for the mission and packing to leave here that I dread.  It already seems like too much work and we have just barely started.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Going on a mission will be so exciting!! I wanted to serve a mission, but got married instead, so I'm excited for when Mitchell and I get to that point in our lives.

I've always had the same desire to just live in one place (preferably Manti or maybe Allen, near my dad). I think it's something that comes from moving a lot because Mitchell spent nearly his entire life in the same house and moving doesn't bother him as much.

Maybe you will finally have the opportunity to settle down after your mission is done. Love you!