Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New Computer and other news...

Last Thursday we got a new computer.  It has not let me get onto my blog - so I am using the old one.  It is a pain to get used to a new computer.  Nothing is where it should be.

We went Friday and then Saturday to Becks in Mt Pleasant and bought a houseful of furniture in anticipation of company the next few weeks.  We got a wrap around couch, recliner, end tables and new bed and mattress for Clyde and me and upstairs bedroom furniture for two bedrooms (the pink room and the yellow room).  We have just a bed in the third bedroom upstairs.  Our daughter, Heather wants to decorate it.  Things are falling into place.

This last weekend we had Pam and her family, the Bahlmann's were still moving out and the Nordells most of the weekend.  Evie spent the night Saturday night and Sunday night with the Davis boys.  Bella came over Sunday night to spend time with her cousins.  Yesterday we had all 8 grandchildren most of the morning.  Heather and Heidi both were hit with the stomach flu this weekend.  They were feeling some better yesterday but still washed out.  I fed them lunch and not long after that everyone went home.  It was interesting to have the house to ourselves.  I miss the noise and the help.  I will continue to try and get onto my blog but if I have to I will start a new one.

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