Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Wonderful Sabbath Day

Today was such a wonderful day.  It was our homecoming and we had family and friends from as far away as Salt Lake City.  It was so fun to see people that we had not seen in years.  Our talks went well and for the intermediate hymn we sang "Called to Serve".  Clyde and I sang the first verse in Danish and then our grandchildren and Heidi and Andy - sang the second verse in English. My bonus mother - Doreen - played for us. It was fun. Many came over and shared two pots of 8 bean - barbecue chili.  We had so much fun and we ended up with several groups  in the house and in the atrium just enjoying each others company.  Heather, Heidi and Pam were all here with their families. 

It is going to be good to be in this ward.  I already feel a part of it. 

Tomorrow will be busy day.  We need to go and look into new drivers licenses (for Utah), run to Richfield and deposit a few checks we have received (and possibly stop at Ideal Dairy for lunch).  We also have a carload of things for Deseret Industries - to donate.  Today I was able to pawn off on my niece some goblets and to my sister some pieces for her china.  I love de-cluttering.

We were able to have almost an hour of time just with our grandson, Dutch Davis.  That was very special.  We have amazing grandchildren.  We are very blessed

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