Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Grandin's Press

 For some reason my pictures are almost in reverse order.  Oh well.  After we had visited the Hill Cumorah, we went to Grandin's Press.  It was raining so hard that people that had lived in the area for years said that they hadn't ever seen it rain like that.   This will be the first of 2 posts on the press.  This is the actual 'book press' that was used to press the books to dry the glue.
 This is the Elder that took us through the press.  He was a history teacher in a High School in Idaho before retiring.  We heard little things about the Smith Family and the press that we would have only gotten from him.  For example, I had no idea that Emma Hale Smith was 5 feet 9 inches tall.  That is very tall for that day and age.  Here is our guide showing us the book making process.
 The printing press.  We have an actual copy made from this press - of the first few pages.  It is of the original printing, so no verses and no very little punctuation.
 One of the larger 'presses'.  Grandin had just bought the presses he needed for book publishing 3 months before Joseph Smith's request.  There are no coincidences in the Church, I've decided.
 Typesetting station and pages drying.

This is another view of the actual press and drying sheets.
The front of the shop.  I guess this is fitting because we saw this after we had finished our tour.  Grandin shared the space with a lawyer.  The lawyer's offices were on the 3rd floor. 

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