Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being Grumpy and Feeling Like a Failure

I  haven't blogged for a while but I find that I have to be careful what I blog about.  THIS BLOG IS ABOUT ME!  It is not about anyone else.  I am pointing the finger at no one but me.  I have been grumpy and snippy lately.  I am not sure why.  The person that pays for that is obviously Clyde.  I have got to be better about that.  I have no right to act like that.  I am not even sure why I am.  I think in part it is because I am disappointed in me for some of my failures.  I have several goals that I try and accomplish every day and if I don't I guess I tend to take them out on myself and him.  I need to just let it go or budget my time better.  I also am not doing very well as a Visiting Teacher.  Let me suffice it say that I see all of my sisters but  one because of her animals.  Her house makes me physically ill.  Because of that I have had to be creative to visit her.  For a while I let my partner take over - which was not nice.  Now she is no longer my partner.  We will leave that there.

I need to somehow get back into a schedule.  During the school year, I know that I will get up and teach seminary, fix Clyde breakfast, etc.  Somehow my summer schedule has never been fixed.  Maybe that is what is missing.  I am not scheduled - knowing that at 7:30 am everyday I will be walking or 9:00 a.m. I will be doing my floor exercises.  Would I be happier if I regimented out my day - knowing what each block of time would bring?  Would I feel less like a failure and be less grouchy then?  It is certainly worth a try because what I am doing now is just not working!

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