Monday, April 23, 2012

Interesting Observations

I haven't blogged for so long and have so much to say that I just don't do it.  So today is just a bunch of observations and short posts - all in one.  Maybe I will get better at this again.

Last Sunday in the car, Clyde and I saw a seagull hovering in the wind.  It looked like it was  a mobile the way it was just floating there.  We watched it for over 5 minutes because of the attitude he was hovering and how we were coming up to him on the bridge.  It was neat.

On Saint Patrick's Day there is a parade here.  It is kind of big deal around here.  Clyde and I were grocery shopping and getting ready for the Sabbath.  I was walking out of our equivalent of Sam's or Costco here locally and spoke with the gentleman that checks your receipts.  He told me to have a great day and enjoy the parade.  I smiled and told him to have a great day.  Then this woman behind me said, "I never miss the parade.  Where is it?"  I know I heard her right because the gentleman at the door looked at me with a very puzzled expression on his face.  I left before I burst out laughing.

We are in a drought.  For the last 2 weeks we  have been under fire warnings.  Those of us from out west, just shake our heads when these red flag warnings come up for high winds and fire because no one around here really knows what a severe drought is until you have seen cracks in the earth 18 inches wide and several feet deep.  That is a drought.  We have had 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days and people are still truly concerned about our drought conditions.  I marvel.  Granted for this area of the country it is a drought but for somewhere like Utah or Texas - there be a concern for flooding if that much rain fell in 12 hours.  Interesting how different the weather needs are in different areas.

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