Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Heather!

I am sorry there are no pictures with this post but we haven't gotten that far with this computer yet.  I cannot believe that 34 years ago I was in the hospital with a new baby in my arms.  Heather surprised us because she was a bit early.  My father was literally on his way to the airport for General Conference when he came in to see her.  He went and visited her and not me!  I was sharing a room and the DR was in with the other patient so Dad couldn't come in.  I was to soon out of delivery to go to him (now they wouldn't even think twice about it.)  Heather we love you and we can't wait to actually hug you and your girls in  a few months!

This is also the 34th anniversary of the meltdown at 3 Mile Island.  I got back to my room and my roomate was watching TV and on every channel (all 3 at the time) there was news coverage of the meltdown at the nuclear plant.  It was very ominous and quite frightening for a few days until people realized it was really more contained and not as bad as the media made it sound.  In the hospital they actually shut the TV's down in some of the wards because it was upsetting the patients too much.  Now it is hardly even remembered.  That was my first taste with how the media distorts things.  Up until then I thought they gave a fairly accurate accounting of things.  I haven't believed them very readily since.


Heather said...

Mom I am 33!

Grandma Bailey said...

Sorry I forgot you were born in 79! My bad.