Sunday, May 8, 2011

Home Again, Home Again...

For the last week, I have had the wonderful blessing of being at the home of our youngest daughter and her husband, Pam and Chris Davis.  They welcomed their second son, as I announced earlier but there has been a name change.  He is now OFFICIALLY Dane Neal Davis.  Chris said that Redford just wasn't sticking but Dane did.  Dane is beautiful and very mellow.  He fusses a little bit every 3 hours when he wants to be fed and that is about all we heard from him.  The day before I left, he started being awake a bit more.  He is growing and very content.  Pam is doing well, on all levels.  I was able to let her sleep quite a bit, so that was nice.  Plus she has much more support in Utah than she did in Pennsylvania, which is a good thing.  Dutch is kind of indifferent to it all.  He loved having his dad home and pretty much had Chris's undivided attention most of the week.  We will see what happens when Chris has to go to work next week.  It was fun to see how much more confidence Chris has on so many levels with the his children now.  He was quite timid with Dutch when Dutch was first born because he had never been around babies before but now because of his profession and his rotations, he has much more confidence and it shows. 

I had the most amazing plane ride out to Utah.  It was clear skies all the way out.  I saw the rivers flooding, and then I saw these erratic paths and realized I was seeing the destruction of tornadoes - quite a sight from way up in the air.  Then as we were crossing the mountains just ready to land in Salt Lake, I saw a snow cloud, sprinkling what looked like confectioners sugar over a field.  I know it was snow but from above the cloud it looked like someone sprinkling an even layer of white sugar on the fields .  It was awe inspiring.  You just have to know that there is a God when you see something like that.  It was just an amazing flight.

I will post pictures tomorrow or the next day, but Dutch had a cold all week and of course I caught it, so today I am feeling crummy and just want to sleep.  When I am alert enough to post more, I will.  In the meantime just tap into Pam's, Julianna' or my sister Marianne's blogs to see what I was doing.

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