Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday Book Reviews

When our daughters were young, they were very caught up with Mary Downing Hahn's books. I found one of the girls books and decided to bring it to Carlye. On our trip down, I read it, so I am counting it. I had forgotten how delightful and fast moving her books were. I think I might pick some more up. The book that started all of the girls on the journey was "Wait 'til Helen Comes" . It was so controversial that I had to read it as the PTO president in order to even get it in the library. There were still some church groups that wanted it banned but it won the Texas Bluebonnet Award the year it was nominated.

Susan Wittig Albert is the author of my favorite China Bayles series. I was tickled to see her author a new series. I thoroughly enjoyed this new book set in the 1930's. She is an amazing writer. I highly recommend it.

This is book 4 of the Acadia Series. I will read them all.
Book 3 of the Acadia is just as wonderful as the other two. I recommend it.

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