Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Blog

Don't faint! I know two entries in as many days is a shock. I should probably change my blog to just a blog about books! My youngest daughter has her 'Bookish Blonde' blog but my other daughters' just blog about their books when their list gets long enough to make an interesting entry. The problem is that I read all the time. Clyde said that my hobby is reading. I guess that it is. I don't even blog about all the books I read. If a book is so bad or I cannot find anything redeeming about it (and it is book that no one really knows about) I will just not say anything at all. On occasion I read the classics but they are so old fashioned or I realize that only I would enjoy them (or my daughter Carianne). Then I call her up and tell her to grab a copy. The problem is that sometimes she can only read them on the internet - a lot of these books are out of print.

I did enjoy doing my Monday's Heroes but I had to quit doing that because of writing about people. I didn't want to be sued for who I included or excluded - so that went by the wayside.

Our family now has a recipe blog, so I don't need to add recipes to my blog anymore. So that eliminated that entry.

No one wants to hear about my failures in the dieting department. 4 years ago, I was 15 pounds from my goal. Then 3 years ago, I blew my knees out, my thyroid went nuts and I gained 3/4 of everything I lost back. Now I cannot get myself to stick to my old ways again. I do go over and workout 3-5 times a week. I sit in the sauna 3-5 times a week but I cannot get myself to follow the diet even one day lately. It is like my mind is so sick of being controlled. A year ago I faithfully followed the diet for 2 months and lost nothing. I think that was when my mind rebelled. For some reason my body loves being fat. It hangs on to the fat like a drowning man to a raft and always has. Boy this has turned into a whining post. So I will stop now. I have got to figure out what to write about other than books. My life is boring right now. I will post something exciting as soon as there is something to post about.


Cari said...

Don"t beat yourself up about your dieting! I do the same thing when I don"t lose. It will come. Your mind and your body will get in sync again and everything will work. I love you!

Heidi Noel said...

Here is the problem: When something does happen you don't blog about it. You didn't blog about coming to see us in January. You didn't really blog about Julianna's wedding or seeing Carianne. Your blog abou the Virginia trip was brief.

I know a lot is going on when you are there, but when you get home you should post pictures and some commentary. Just because I blogged about your stay doesn't mean you can't. You never even mentioned Marcus's baptism or Dad confirming him. There are things to blog about that can be interesting to others.

Remember when you were sending us all copies of old photos. Now that you have a blog you can do Favorite Photo Friday, or Wordless Wednesday and post those pictures. I have a bunch of ideas and sorry if I sound harsh. I don't mean to, I am trying to help.

Grandma Bailey said...

Heidi is right but that isn't all my fault. Clyde has the pictures in a place where I can never find them. Right after trips, he is so busy that I keep waiting until things calm down. By the time they do it is a month or 6 weeks later. Who cares by that point. By the way - my trips this winter were the highlights of those dreary months! I really should do a memory day. Maybe I will quit being lazy and get around to it - tomorrow or the next day.