Tuesday, April 27, 2010

5 Books You Would Take If Stranded on a Dessert Island

Heidi had this on her blog and it has intrigued me. I have actually thought about this many times. I have done it two ways. I once divided my quad up into the 4 sets of scriptures and that left me one other book -easy choice - Mrs. Mike. However if I count the Quad as one that leaves me three other books to bring. So here goes.
1. The LDS Set of all four Scriptures (or the Quad)
2. Mrs. Mike
3. Enchanted April
4. One of the Mossy Creek Books
5. One of my Christmas Anthologies (either one I have put together or a published one)

These would keep me content for a long time. The Scriptures in and of themselves can be re-read over and over and would take at least a year to go through. The others would be great for the in-between times. The thing is - Enchanted April and some of my Mossy Creek books are on my Kindle. I would have to find them in printed form before heading out. The others would be no problem to carry along (or find a current bush to plug my Kindle into while on the island! :)

{My Tuesday Book Review was posted today. For some reason it didn't show up as posted on any one's dashboard though).

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