Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who Are You Really?

Carianne did this and so did the rest of our daughters. I thought I would follow suit. Anyone else that wants to join in - feel free.

Favorite Color: I tried to narrow this down to one color and I couldn't. I love the whole rainbow! I like to decorate with green. I like to wear pink and bright colors. I like it when Clyde wears blue (and Clyde would like to decorate everything with blue). I have always wanted a red and white kitchen and a living room done in a really pale color of sage - almost off white it is so light - but still has some green in it.

Earliest Memory: I was about 2 1/2 years old and we had just moved to San Antonio. Mom was pregnant with Marianne and laying down for a nap. Aunt Norma and I were so hot (it was July and there was no such thing as air conditioning in those days) we were laying on the bare floor and giggling with each other.

Favorite Christmas: All of them! I love Christmas and it would actually be easier to tell about the two that were the hardest on me. The Christmas before Carianne was born, we couldn't afford to go to San Antonio and it was first time that it was just Clyde and me. I dreaded Christmas but it ended up being a really fun one. This last Christmas Day was an interesting one. Christmas Morning was wonderful because I was able to watch the Pfiester's unwrap presents and see the joy on their faces. But I spent the rest of the day flying home to Rhode Island. Between flight delays and nothing being open in the airports - it was an interesting day. However on the first flight the flight attendants had decorated the plane and were wearing reindeer antlers or Santa hats - to make everyone feel more festive. It was quite the party plane. The next leg of the journey Christmas was not even mentioned. The attendants were sullen and even rude. The difference of Southern hospitality and Northern indifference.

Favorite Book: My hands down favorite book is "Mrs. Mike." I noticed with my daughters that their favorite books were from about the same time in their life too. I first read "Mrs. Mike" when I was in the 5th Grade. I have read it almost every year since. It is a biography of a woman from Boston married to a Canadian Mountie at the turn of the 20th century.

Favorite Movie: I have to two favorite movies: "The Bishop's Wife" and "Enchanted April."

What do I collect? Why or why not? I have collected Santa Claus in all forms for years. That collection is quite large is everything from salt shakers to dolls, books and porcelain figures. In the last few years between my daughters and my grandchildren I have acquired 2 more collections. One is very unusual for a grandparent and that is Webkinz animals. It is the gift that we can give to each other in person and send gifts via the Internet - so it truly is the gift that keeps on giving! My grandson Noah Pfiester was the first person to give me a Webkinz but he and his siblings plus Bella Nordell (his cousin and one of my other granddaughters) all had a hand in naming it.
My third collection is Willow Tree figures and boxes. This is mostly contributed to by my daughters but Carlye - my oldest granddaugther - actually gave me my largest figure. She said it was me hugging her.

Guilty Pleasure: Playing Webkinz and reading non-stop. While I was gone our ward's book group was held and they chose the books for the next year. Of the books on the list - I have already read over half of them for my own pleasure or out of curiosity.

The Way you Could Spend the Day if you Could: I would do something with all of my grandchildren - together. Probably go have a picnic in a park and just listen to them while they filled me in on their lives. Just being by them is the best thing in the world! I can't think of a better way to spend the day.

When (time period) would have lived if you could? I love that I am living now. I have lived all through the 50's and 60's. I do have to say that the early part of 70's were more exciting than the latter part. But all said and done - I am happy with my lifetime. My grandparents always told me too much of the 'horrors' of pioneer life - so I never fantasized about it. When I told my Omi that I envied her being a newly wed during the 'Roaring Twenties' one time - she went on to tell me about the high mortality rate of babies and ringer washers and the lack of indoor plumbing in many homes still. In other words my family pretty much killed my fantasies pretty quickly.

Something people would be surprised to know about you: I am extremely shy and very much an introvert. I have to psyche myself up to even leave the apartment and go out into the world. I would very happily stay holed up and never leave the confines of my apartment if I could get away with it. Unfortunately I cannot. Very often on Saturday nights I am awake most of the night psyching myself up so I can be up and outgoing for Church. It is very hard work for me.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Back to Switzerland and more specifically the Interlocken Valley. I would also like to go to Australia and New Zealand someday.


Cari said...

I want to go all 3 of those places with you - after I go to Ireland, of course!

Elise said...

What a fun read!! :)