Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesdays Book Review

I know that I seem to be obsessed with Mossy Creek books but they are easy and fun books to read. This one is no exception. "Blessings of Mossy Creek" talks about weddings, holidays and giving in general in typical Mossy Creek fashion
"Off the Record" was a free download on my Kindle. It s written by Elizabeth White. It was fairly predictable but still a fun read. It did remind me of the books Marianne and I used to read in High School.

"Toujours Provence" is one of many follow-up books Peter Mayle has written after the success of his "Year in Provence". It was fun and a very fast read. I thoroughly enjoyed me time reading this book.

"Dead Pan" is another Gayle Trent book. I like her style and loved the book. Great mystery but not so heavy that it brought me down. I needed light books this last week because the weather has been so awful. I highly recommend Gayle Trent anyway because her mysteries are realistic and her stories have a ring of truth about them. Sometimes the mysteries that I read are too silly or totally unbelievable. Daphne Martin is a very believable protagonist and so are the characters around her. In fact you have probably met people just like them.

"The Wedding Dress" is a beautiful book by Virginia Ellis. It is set just after the end of the Civil War in Virginia and is about 3 sisters that decide to make a wedding dress for the youngest sister and hope a groom comes along. The premise sounds far-fetched and yet it could have been a very realistic hope for what went on back then. I could not put it down. I fell in love with Virginia Ellis reading her short stories in the Mossy Creek books. She actually helped start the publishing company that prints her books and the other authors of the Mossy Creek books. I am extremely impressed with these women and their writing plus their gumption. I guess I have been surrounded by Southern Women my whole life and have always admired them. Lexie Collie was my hero from the time I was a tiny girl.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Maybe I'll pick up a few to read :) Thanks for all the encouragement getting over the wintertime blues!! I'm just ready to be able to lay outside and absorb all the heat from the sun- although I LOVE my heated blanket- best purchase EVER. I'm filling my time with lots of good things to keep me busy and occupied. XOXO