Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mary and Martha

For some reason the story of Mary and Martha from the Bible has been rolling through my head for the last few days.  We tend to villianized Martha and I think that is wrong.  She had a testimony of Christ - after all she is the one that raced out and demanded Christ to bring her brother Lazarus back to life.  She just did what so many of us do and bit off more than she could handle - expecting Mary to help her.  I think Martha wanted a special meal for Jesus and so she planned a 'turkey' dinner with all of the fixings instead of cold cuts and fruit and vegetable platters.  I am using a meal from today because I have no idea what they would have done then.  But I watched my mother be like Martha and then miss half of Stake Conference because she and the wives of my fathers counselors were busy preparing an elaborate meal for a visiting authority from Salt Lake.  Several times the visiting person never made it to the dinner because Stake business kept them at the Stake Center until plane time.  There was no way to wrap up what Mom had fixed to send on the plane.  When my sister was suddenly thrust in the same situation almost overnight.  She ended up serving a very simple meal.  Elder Wirthlin was delighted at the simplicity and felt very comfortable in the homey setting.  All of the sudden I realized - they really liked simple better and it was more appreciated.  That was what the Savior was telling Martha.  He was telling her not to fuss.  He would be happy with bread and milk but she needed to quit fussing and complaining and come and listen.  The problem was she was only 1/2 way through with her elaborate plans and couldn't.  Sometimes it isn't that we are doing a wrong thing - we have just done too much of a good thing. 

Now - why have I been pondering that story so much?  On Sundays, we feed the military.  More often than not I miss Sunday School because I am preparing a meal.  Where are my priorities?  I am being a Martha not a Mary.  Now sometimes the ox is in the mire and the person that so faithfully promised to bring the meal - didn't.  Then I end up having to really go all out and on occasion even back home to conjure something up.  But most weeks there is no reason I could not go to Sunday School - even if I do walk in a few minutes late (which I hate).

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

Our stake Sunday School president (AKA your son in law) would be horrified. He is frustrated that Sunday School is so often skipped. ;) Also, I don't walking in late to things either. You and Dad raised me right.