Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Wonderful Surprise!

Yesterday was Clyde's and my day to be in the temple.  We work every other Friday.  Last night was supposed to be a big night because Exeter Stake was having their temple night to prepare for Stake Conference this weekend with a visiting Seventy, Elder Claudio D. Zivic.  I was out by the front desk helping and greeting.  It was as expected and we were going to run 2 sessions - a 7:00 and 7:20 because there were so many.  This does happen on occasion.  At 6:55 I assumed things were going to wind down and I was getting ready to go and start helping in the name booth when I looked up and saw Elise Cannon!  She literally ran in and was so frantic I could barely get out of her what she needed.  She kept saying she wanted to attend with the same session as her mission president.  I finally said, "We will get you on the session you need to be on but who is your mission president?"  She replied, "President Zivic!"  I laughed and told her that session wasn't going on until 7:20 and I could do even better than that for her. I ran her down to the cafeteria and got her a quick hug from Elder Zivic before the session and then onto the session - which was filling up fast.  I was running the name booth by then and I have to say it was so fun to give someone I love as daughter something that special.  This blog could go on for a hours but I will let her tell what she wants to say.  I will say that she is staying in Boston and some wonderful people have opened their homes so she can spend time the Elder Zivic.  It was just so fun to see her last night in the Boston Temple of all places.  We seem to see Elise once a year, in the fall.  It was a joy.

A funny side note.  Curt and Debbie Cannon's granddaughter, Alice is calling Curt, Popi.  Elise said Alice just started doing it on her own but of course everyone encouraged her, so now it has stuck!

1 comment:

Elise said...

Oh my goodness! It WAS a nice surprise!!! Tender mercy of the Lord :) Thank you!!! Thank you for running me down to see him- I was SOOO excited and for adding to the beauty of my experience that night in the temple. It was wonderful and just perfect :) I'll be writing all about my weekend this week- It was INCREDIBLE!!! I got to see Elder Zivic a lot and eat lunch with him, etc. a MUCH needed, wonderful weekend. love you!!!