Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Special Gift

Each of us has a special gift.  Most of us in fact have several.  Our oldest daughter has the gift of music and an uncanny way with small children plus many others.  Our second daughter is extremely crafty (as in she can make a little girls dress out of a man's shirt - not in that she is deceitful!).  Our third daughter is a wonderful listener, full of compassion and she too has the gift of music.   Our fourth daughter is an incredible writer who has also been blessed with a musical gift.  (Heather to has a musical talent, she just hasn't done as much with it).  By the way these are just a couple of many our daughters talents.  I would also like to say that our daughters and son-in-laws are better parents than Clyde and I ever were.  We both marvel as we watch them.

I preface the blog this way because in seminary this morning we were discussing talents or special gifts.  One of the young men said, "Sister Bailey, is your talent making goodies?"  That made me laugh, but then I started thinking about this.  Yes, my talent is being able to look at a recipe and knowing that it will taste good but especially with sweet things.  I can look on a menu and if the main components are there, I can figure out if a picky eater will like it - and I am right 95% of the time.  It is not a talent I have had to work at.  It has just come naturally.  I have one niece I know for sure that also has this talent, so maybe it is a family thing (do you agree Julianna?)  Unfortunately right now she is not feeling up to cooking right now because of her schedule and such.  So on my epitaph, I guess it will say - "She always knew what tasted good."  That will be my claim to fame.  What is yours?


Heidi Noel said...

I actually think I have that talent a bit, too. I like the epitaph. You couldn't help but smile at it, right?

Julianna said...

Yes I agree with you! I love to make things that taste good and share them with everyone. It really is my favorite thing to do and I can't wait to get back into baking and cooking all the time again. I love you!