Saturday, August 16, 2008

This and That

I know! It is about time I wrote again. But I am bound and determined to keep this blog upbeat and so I will wait as long as it takes.

Yesterday my sweetheart took me out and we replaced out couch with two recliners. We really didn't need a couch/hide-a-bed. We have yet to ever use the hide-a-bed. Recliners will be used daily- especially with my upcoming surgery. We can now both relax and enjoy a comfortable chair now. Besides whenever anyone comes over only two people sit on the couch anyway.

One of the things about women from New England that makes me laugh is the way they dress. They will be dressed in 'Daisy Duke' shorts with flipflops and wearing a long sleeved sweater or sweatshirt! It can be 85 degrees outside and that will be their attire. I just marvel. In the winter what will change for some of the women is the flip flops. They will go to hiking boots.

My niece, Sara was married in the San Antonio Temple on the 14th of August. I was sad to not be there. It was a very hard day for me. I just wanted to say how grateful I am for eternal families. I am so glad that I married Clyde for time and all eternity in the Manti Temple 35+ years. It has been an interesting and wonderful journey. I am glad we stuck it out. I am grateful for my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that we have a living prophet at the head of our Church guiding us. Most of all I know that our Savior died for our sins but lives again.


Cari said...

The wedding was beautiful, and you were missed as well. Susannah Winston said to be sure and give you her love - she looked great! I even got to see Susie. I love you, mom!

Heidi Noel said...

I was wondering if you forgot your blog name again...