Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Grateful for the Priesthood

Last week I was not feeling really well and was afraid I had a sinus infection.  It morphed into a terrible head cold.  Saturday I was so sick that I had to ask Clyde and Chris Davis for a blessing.  I was so grateful that they were there and could perform a healing blessing on me.  I was concerned because this week is Clyde's and my Danish immersion week and wanted to be alert and well for it.  Just as promised, on Monday I felt immensely better.  However, Clyde started to get a sore throat Monday morning and by Monday evening was really sick!  We started reading our scriptures together and Clyde started choking and passed out.  I was so alarmed that before Clyde came too, I was out the door and calling Dallin Walker and telling him Clyde needed a blessing.  Dallin immediately got dressed to give Clyde a blessing and Tina called her friend, Tyler to help.  Dallin gave Clyde a beautiful blessing.  He felt a lot better but he is struggling with this cold more than I have.  I am grateful that these men were there when it was needed and that all four of them honor their priesthood.  In fact with all four of the it is who they are.

Our week of immersion is wonderful.  We are getting so much out of this and so glad that we had this opportunity.  It has been fun to meet all of the people we have Skyped with the last few months.

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