Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday's Book Review

"Death at Glamis Castle" is another Victorian mystery by Robin Paige. The premise is that the heir to King Edward of England is alive and well and stowed away at this castle BUT the German's have found out. It is just before WWI and they are trying to destroy England and the monarchy. As always I enjoyed reading this series.
The whole time I read this book I thought of Chad Cox, one of our daughters' friends from High School and his 'Mama' jokes. This book was a purchase on my Kindle and well worth it. I laughed and rolled my eyes at the prim 'Mama' and her 3 daughters who run the gamut from prissy, to bossy, to tomboy but all are grown up and in established in their careers. The premise of the story is Mama found a dead body in her trunk at the Dairy Queen. She has no idea who it is or where it came from. Everyone knows she is innocent because she has taught Sunday School to the whole town - and they tell the new police detective that very thing.

This was free download on my Kindle and a bit of a surprise. The protagonist was a twin but a twin that had died in childbirth. She was connected to her living twin, so she had an omniscient point of view of her life and that of her siblings and mothers. Very unusual slant. There was some descriptive language I could have done without but other than that I really enjoyed the book. Oh and the title - the mother LOVED Elvis Presley and sent flowers to his house every afternoon.

This was a free download on my Kindle. It was very predictable. This was a free download on my Kindle. It is a young adult book about high school angst and the drama that goes with High School girls - put them in a situation where they are living together because they have been thrown together and you get quite a drama filled book. It was a quick read and just the perfect length. Much longer and I would have lost interest and quit.

I love Lisa Wingate but for some reason this is my least favorite series she has done. However of the books in this series so far - this is my favorite.

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