Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Book Review

"Death at Dartmoor Place" is a Victorian mystery with Kate and Charles Sherridan. This one stars Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as the historical figure. It was fun as always. I haven't been reading as much this week - at least fiction and 'pleasure' reading. I have been boning up on LDS Church history and reading the Doctrine and Covenants getting ready to teach early morning seminary for our teenaged youth this fall. I will probably have more books next week but maybe not.
This is another Victorian mystery starring Kate and Charles Sherridan. As always it was delightful. The subject matter is doping horses at the turn of the 20th century. Very interesting.

This is the latest Meg Langlsow mystery. Meg is pregnant with twins. Her house is filled with college students because the heating system at the college is down and it is one of the coldest winters that Virginia has experienced in years. Of course the murder happens right in her home just days before her delivery. I love these mysteries because they are light, fun and laugh out loud adventures. We will have to wait for the next book to see what is delivered though.

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