This has been an interesting week. Last Sunday, I was minding my business after Church, fixing the meal for the military, when Al Magelby, the Second Counselor in the bishopric asked to speak to me. He called me to be the Seminary teacher. It blew me out of the water. I usually have an inkling of my Church callings - at least that I am getting one! This one really blindsided me. I have stewed all week about it, fretting I am not up for the calling. Today I was sustained and set apart. As Clyde set me apart, I was told that I have been prepared to teach these youth. The way it was worded made me realize that the Lord wants me here -
now - for
these young people. It is not a call of despearation as I have been teasing about it being but truly a call of inspiration. So this year I will be doing something that I do truly love. I will be teaching our youth about Church History. I must admit that I have some amazing young people - so in that respect, I am truly blessed. Plus I have a husband whose support is amazing. He has as strong a testimony of seminary as I do.
Another interesting thing happened this weekend. My right rotator cuff in my right shoulder is messed up. I know! Don't ask me how I do these things to myself - they just happen! Anyway I was in agony as I was doing my shift at the temple Friday night because between my knee and my shoulder, I hurt plenty. When we got home, Clyde prayed that I would sleep well and feel better the next day. Our stake had a big Relief Society Temple day the next day and he and I were a very necessary part of it. The next morning he again prayed that I would have the stamina I needed and be pain free. The temple was fun because it was so full of sisters that Clyde and I got to sit beside each other through the session (we held hands the whole time!). We helped in the baptistry and helped some of the sisters in our ward that had never been before. We had a great day. As I was leaving, I said good by to one of the assistand recorders. He looked at me and was surprised. He said, "You are not grimacing or limping. In fact you look like your old happy self." As he said that I realized I had been pain free all day. I was truly blessed. It had been a wonderful day in the temple.