Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Peach Keeper

I have not done a book review in months but my daughter Pam got me hooked on Sarah Addison Allen's books this summer.  I have been waiting for my copy of The Peach Keeper all summer long and finally received it Thursday.  I had a hard time wrapping my head around one of the main female characters being named Paxton simply because growing up one of my male friends had that name, but pretty soon it fit her and went with the flow.  Ms. Allen's books grab me and hold me to the end - which is what I love about reading them.  They are mysteries but not so caught up in the mystery that they are even considered that genre.  It is really a book of friendship, service and love but more than that Christlike friendship, service and love.  It just takes the novel for everyone to figure out that life is happier when you serve in a  Christlike way.  I think that is why I liked this book so much- it ended on such an upbeat and beautiful note.

1 comment:

pambelina said...

I thought Paxton was a weird name for a girl too.